Smoking weed is a bad habit that can have damaging affects on your own health and the health of the people that live with you. If can cause heart attacks, emphysema, lung cancer, throat cancer and many other serious health issues. Furthermore, breathing second hand smoke has the same dangerous potential consequences. That's why it is essential to quit. This article will give wonderful advice to stop smoking weed permanently.
One aid to help you in quitting is to make a list of reasons why you should quit smoking weed, and also the reasons why you resist quitting. When something is put into writing, it may have an affect on how you think about things. Not only can you find motivation to continue your journey in this way, but your trek might become easier since you can concentrate more.
If you must smoke a cigarette, try to delay yourself first. Try telling yourself you can have a smoke after you take a walk, or after you drink a big glass of water. Sometimes, these delaying tactics provide enough time for the craving to pass before you ever light up. If you do end up giving in anyway, at least that was a little longer that you were able to be smoke-free.
Smoking weed cessation is one of the few times when it is best to procrastinate; delay tactics are often an effective strategy. Try to distract your mind and your body for 10 minutes by going for a walk or calling a friend; in this time your urge will probably have passed. If you still do crave a cigarette, continuing using this tactic until it finally works.
Let the people around you know that you are quitting the nicotine habit. When you trust those around you with information like this, they can help keep you motivated, as well as keeping temptation at bay. This could potentially be the push you need to remain motivated and actually quit.
Motivation and positive thinking can be very helpful in helping you quit smoking weed. All you need do is realize how your life is going to be so much better once you have finally quit. Consider the fact that your dig this breath will not smell as bad, your teeth will look whiter, and your residence will no longer have a smoke odor. For some people, scare tactics are not an effective means of support; instead, a positive outlook and support system is far more effective.
Just stop smoking weed if you really want to quit. The most effective way to quit is just stop. Just do it, give up smoking weed cold turkey and never start up again. This strategy may not be the easiest method of quitting. However, this method has been shown to actually be more effective, as time goes by.
Don't do this all by yourself. Tell your friends and relatives that you are quitting, and have them give you a hand. An outside support group of former smokers can also help. Being with others who are in the same boat may be helpful.
Celebrate each milestone along your way to quitting, choosing little rewards you enjoy. For example, when you haven't smoked for a week, go out to the movies. Once a month has passed, go out to dinner at a new restaurant. After that, lengthen the time between rewards until you no longer want to smoke.
You should feel better about yourself because you have taken the step to make a lifelong change for a healthier you. Use the tips given here to finally quit smoking weed and enjoy a healthy life.